
Welcome to the Villains, Vices and More
Costuming and CosPlay Masquerade!

Costuming and cosplay have been an inherent part of SF/F fandom since almost the
very beginning. The first WorldCon, in 1939, had fans in costume. For some of us, it’s
the primary reason why we attend SF/F conventions.  And the great thing is, costumers
can be of all ages and skill levels.

It is with that in mind that we invite you to participate in OryCon’s masquerade contest!
As the all-new crew for 2024 masquerade – we invite the costumers and cosplayers of
OryCon to strut their stuff on our stage, Saturday night. Interested? Read on.

When and Where

Friday Night Q&A and Tech submission.
The masquerade crew will be hosting a Q&A and Tech submission session Friday
evening. We will be glad to answer your questions re: entering the masquerade and will
accept your entry forms at that time. Attendance is optional, but recommended, time

Mandatory Rehearsal / Tech Check
There will be a tech rehearsal / pre-meeting; time and place TBA
The rehearsal is your only opportunity to test your music / pre-recorded soundtrack,
practice your presentation, and ask last-minute questions of the crew. Attendance is
mandatory for all contestants, but you do NOT have to stay for the entire two hours.
We’ll be handling things on a drop-in basis.

Photo Studio
There may be a photo studio; time and place TBA. The studio will be open to all
photographers wishing to take advantage of the space, and an OryCon staff
photographer will also be present.

Judging will take place separately from the Masquerade itself, to give our judges the best look at your costume- this will take place Friday evening.

How to Enter

Download and fill out the entry form (coming soon) and drop it off via any of the
following means:
1) The best option- bring it to the Friday night Masquerade Q&A/Tech
2) Drop it off at the Information Table by 3PM on Saturday or bring it with you
to the rehearsal.
Blank entry forms will also be available at the Information Table on Friday and Saturday.
Please note that we’re not accepting entry forms before the convention starts, nor will
we accept any entry forms after 3:00PM on Saturday.

Limit on Number of Entries
Space will be limited! We cannot accommodate more than 25 entries. A group counts
as a single entry.
Space will be allotted on a first-come, first serve basis, so turn in your entry form as
early as possible at the convention. If we receive more than 25 entries, the extras will go
on a waiting list in the order received. We can’t guarantee that any wait-listed entries will
make it on to the stage but last-minute dropouts do happen and you might get lucky.

Time Parameters for your presentation: 1-2 people = 1minute, 3+ people = 2 minutes on
the stage.

About Pre-Recorded Sound
There will be NO live mikes on the stage. Any dialogue/music must be pre-recorded and
brought to the rehearsal so that the sound technician may test the file and copy it over.
You can bring your files on a USB drive or provide online link, i.e. SoundCloud. Please
use the MP3 format for your recording and, if possible, also include a copy in WAV
format. Gremlins happen and sometimes, computers get finicky. We will not accept
sound files after 3:45PM on the day of the event.

What are the Competitive Classes? What Does That Even Mean?
Competing is optional. You may choose to present your costume as “exhibition only”, or
subject only to workmanship judging or only to presentation judging. The choice is

There are four classes: Young Fan, Novice, Journeyman, and Master Class. Choose
the one most appropriate to your skill and experience. If competing in a group the class
is based on the highest level in your group. For example a group of 5 with 3 new, 1
journeyman, and 1 master will compete in Master Class.

● Young Fan – Anyone under 13 must enter in this category, unless they are a part
of a group entry. Please note: Young Fans will be scheduled first in the lineup.
● Novice – Suitable for participants who have never entered a masquerade before,
or who have not won any awards. Honorable mentions count as an award.
● Journeyman – Three wins at the Novice level will automatically move you into the
journeyman level. Due to the absence of the Masquerade in previous years; This
year you can also compete at this level if you feel that your skills put you at this
● Master Class – Three wins at Journeyman level or you are a professional
costumer/tailor/seamstress means that you are in the Master Class.

If you’re still unsure about which class to enter, bring your questions to the Q&A on
Friday night or early to the Saturday afternoon run through. You can also email

Nervous About Entering?
That’s okay, we’re nervous, too! While it’s our first time running the Masqurade contest
at OryCon, members of the crew have been participating in costuming events
since1987 and at other conventions, including Norwescon and Westercon.
Still nervous? We’ve written something for you: What makes for a great masquerade